1) COVID-19 is dead. Those seeking to propagate this lie in the name of mail-in-voting are fraudulent psychopaths. How is it that Bangladesh, a country of 161 million and one of the poorest nations on Earth only has 2,709 deaths? Indonesia Pop.: 267 million-> 4,320 deaths.
2) China Pop.: 1.4 billion->4,500 deaths. Japan Pop.: 125 million-> 988 deaths. USA Pop.: 318 million-> 144,987 deaths? Reconcile! China was only locked down outside of Wuhan for 14 days. Japan never locked down, and only implemented modest travel restrictions.
3) Yet the United States, in an effort to crash our economy and implement vote-by-mail fraud for rigging the 2020 election, has been intermittently locked down for months. Shouldn't we have the lowest death numbers if the lockdowns are working?
4) You can go to the grocery store or liquor store, wear a mask, and socially distance but you can't do the same for voting in person?

Furthermore, how is it that the wealthiest and most resource abundant nation on Earth, with the most robust and elaborate healthcare system
5) Has the most deaths, yet nations like China, Burundi, Niger, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Mozambique have 12,615 deaths, with a combined population of 2 billion people! New York alone has 32,000 deaths! For comparison, many of those same nations
6) Have the highest per capita death rates for Influenza, Nigeria is at 246 deaths per 100,000 on average every year from Influenza, the U.S. is at 10.85. For reference for COVID, per 1 million people, India is at 21, China, 3, Japan 8, Bangladesh 16, Indonesia 16. USA->438
7) These numbers prove this virus is a sham! How can the initial host country China, with the most people in the world and hundreds of millions crammed into stack and pack mega-cities have 4634 deaths? Yet we lead the world w/ 144 thousand?
8) These numbers are over-inflated just like we have been saying from the beginning. Dem governors sending COVID positive patients back to nursing homes, infecting and killing thousands more, yet Cuomo is held up as a model of how to respond to this pandemic?
9) These numbers are fraudulent and padded w/ conflated influenza/pneumonia deaths, and every state that has been forced to reveal their true numbers has shown manipulation from the state level and CDC level. Even altering the metrics by which cases are counted, allowing...
10) Unconfirmed and untested cases to be thrown in with positive tested cases. Combine w/ the false positives and testing issues; people testing positive that never got tested, laboratory contamination, etc. And then the social media companies have the GALL to complain about
11) Disharmony with opinions about this issue. Stop having so much conflicting information and faking numbers and conspiracy theories will have a much harder time finding traction. Most of the other countries with high death tolls like Brazil, the U.K., Italy, and France
12) Are also at risk of having populist movements taking the reigns of their nation and establishing majorities in the respective elected governments. COVID-19 is the hail mary of the global deep state to attempt to remain in power. They know that without rigged elections here,
13) Trump wins. We must continue to speak out and expose this fraud. We cannot allow the fascist left to use hysteria and fake science to remove our rightful President and re-install the swamp in America. If allowed to take back power they will be ruthless and deadly.
14) These numbers are all from the World Health organization. Anyone can go to a death tracking website and find the same numbers. This is not rocket science. The rest of the world is moving on, re-opening (or never closed) and laughing at the sheep in this country buying
15) the lies and propaganda that is sustaining this hoax and travesty against our country and people, all so they can cause fear and justify mail-in-voting. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Wake from your slumber! WWG1WGA!
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