This is a beautiful thread about the positive influences of each modern movement to the whole of modern Jewish life.

Muchas gracias @urielromano!

The modern Jewish movements came as a response to modernity itself. Each contributes something invaluable to Judaism as a whole that is practically unchallenged throughout the Jewish world, even if unrecognized.
1. #Hasidut brought simplicity, beauty, romance, music, dance, and renewed energy to Judaism. Even the Mitnagdim (opponents of Hasidut) enjoy a good niggun.
2. The Mitnagdim rejuvenated the Jewish spirit of deep study, of Pilpul, the idea of Torah study being equal to all mitzvot. Even the most Hasidic person would not stop studying deeply.
3. #ReformJudaism opened us to modern society, connected us with the secular world, and developed and beautified many prayers. Even Orthodox communities have adopted such innovation (without knowing or accepting) such approaches.
4. #OrthodoxJudaism helped place fences around (excessive) advances toward universalism and assimilation that often came with Reform. They heightened our Jewish particularism and our observances. Today, few would reject the importance of that particularism.
5. #ConservativeJudaism combined profound historical study into the sources, valued academic analysis, and sought solutions to modern halakhic problems within the Tradition. This approach is accepted by Reform and Orthodox Jews alike.
6. The #Sephardic communities understood that facing modernity did not require abandoning Jewish identity, but fluidity and flexibility without losing the sense of belonging.
7. Without each of the gifts of these modern ideologies gave to the Jewish world, we wouldn't be who we are.

Now is the time to recognize that our disappearing institutions will bring something new, or perhaps the idea that we are simply Jews.
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