IDK how I missed this impt piece about why the uber-masculine focus of the much hyped @ProjectLincoln ads risk turning off the key swing demo of voters- white suburban women.

(Prob b/c women’s mags aren’t shared as widely)
This analysis should have been far more widely shared. That’s a problem for another day (but one I understand as a former writer for both a newspaper daily business section & a monthly women’s mag where women’s business stories often landed).

When @TeamWarren dropped out of the prez race, there was a brief moment when media did some self reflection about the impact their male guided coverage had on the race. Impact @kdittmar & several scholars had been discussing under the #GenderLens2020 tag for some time.

But, it’s not just the media. It’s the campaigns themselves.

“The dominance of white men among political practitioners influences how we run campaigns,” says Dittmar, a political science professor & scholar at @CAWP_RU

After watching the slanted coverage of women candidates, I personally decided to do more to #amplifywomen expert/journalist/candidate voices.

(So many people RT the same 2 dozen guys every day. Trust that the issue focus really changes when you seek out smart women instead)

But, I digress. The important message in this piece about ad messaging that turns off swing suburban white women voters shouldn’t be lost. I’ve personally seen many women wince at the gotcha negativity and flash bang ruby red lips.

But, we cannot & should not look to the Never Trump Republican ad geniuses to reach swing women voters ready to join our cause nor should we fault them for appealing instead to their own default base (white men).

In the age of highly targeted digital advertising, I wish Democrats would stop judging every individual ad based on its universal appeal to every demographic we serve. Doing so is what has often caused ads to seem ineffective, watered down & overly concerned w/ box checking.

Democrats interested in messaging to white suburban mom swing voters would be wise to pay close attn to issues of suburban mom voters who are already solidly anti-Trump. Our concerns largely mirror our swing voting suburban sisters.

( #NotMyChild really got my attn, btw)

It’s not hard to find troves of insight on issues white suburban women voters care about right now.

See what we are saying online:

Want to lose white women swing voters? Keep telling them that their identity as “Mothers” and any collective action they take as such is immediately suspect & not feminist enough to sit at the cool girls table.

We have huge battles to unite to fight. Telling a critical bloc of swing voters to stop feeling empowered by the one thing society has allowed many women to ever feel authoritatively empowered by comes off as such an elitist take I don’t even know where to start unpacking.

Anyway, it’s obvious to anyone paying attention that suburban moms have been uniting in abject horror for years now. We’ve been listening & trying to do better.

Any mom can also tell you the quickest way to discourage someone is to expect perfection out of the gate.

To win swing suburban white moms, don’t shy away from speaking to us about our coronavirus concerns, school reopenings, childcare, healthcare, job loss, kids in cages, etc. Def don’t just ignore us.

Campaigns should follow more moms if they don’t know how to talk to us. And we should all follow & amplify more women like:

/end unsolicited rant
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