when you think about the holocaust who do you think carried out the atrocities? it wasn't soldiers, they were fighting actual battles. so who was rounding up people and guarding the camps? do you actually understand what the gestapo and ss were? they were reassigned police.
the gestapo were the police in nazi germany. the ss was technically a paramilitary group but mostly they did the work of prison guards and police. if you look at pictures of the gestapo and ss at work it should look familiar. it's common police practices. crowd control.
even in calm images you can see the paradigm of citizen and police, some being bystanders, others being kettled and controlled. some of the pictures look like wellness checks, coming by to make sure everything is ok. the german police and smiling and the citizens look blank.
i used to only really pay attention to the images of victims in pictures and exhibits in holocaust museums. then in an anti-bias training i was told to look at the perpetrators.
pay attention to what policing looks like in your city and state. look at the faces of the people who on the other end of policing and then look at the face of police. who looks neutral, who looks fearful, who looks calm, who looks empowered.
and to clarify for historic purposes as people are rightly pointing out-- a lot of people committed a lot of crimes against humanity during wwii and the holocaust, including all kinds of soldiers and civilians.

black lives matter. we don't need to live in a world with policing and incarceration. that is an active choice we are making and we can stop and it can change it must chage.
if you live in missouri remember to vote yes on 2 on august 4th. also remember to vote for elad gross as our attorney general. http://eladgross.org 
introducing my patreon: semitic aesthetic! more access to shabbos d'vars, essays and reflections on current events and american judaism, being a fly on the wall of the novel i'm writing, and a chance for premium jewish non-profit consulting. https://www.patreon.com/tashakaminsky 
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