Lol I think I’ve gotta go with the time I didn’t like a Maureen Dowd column, quoted her own words about a book party and my bosses pretended I’d leveled a personal attack on my own colleagues who’d been at the party
Or maybe it was the time I said that the media should consider calling Baltimore rat-infested a racist statement and I got an HR sanction that claimed I'd disclosed "internal newsroom discussions" like I was Edward Snowden or something
An oldie but a goodie: One time I tweeted that the Trump admin was looking into opening prison camps on the border for migrant children -- based on reports of...that very thing -- and I had to have a 20 minute discussion of the definitions of "prison camps" with a top editor
In that same conversation I was told that I could be accused of being "Anti-free speech" for complaining about the paper's editorial board in public
Can't forget being lectured by a famous editor about how, during an online convo about how to interview people about potential bigotry, I was told I have "no expertise" on that topic and that my saying that "prejudiced people don't always self identify" was "just (your) opinion"
This conversation, with a very famous editor, went on and on about how I have no expertise in how the media or race work -- news to me! -- and how any tweets that could be considered media criticism were fireable offenses!
then there's the classic time I noted, accurately, that there were few if any black people working for Politico and everyone's heads exploded. several talking to's about that accurate tweet
one of the times media was refusing to call a racist thing racist, I tweeted we all shouldn't be cowardly. A defensive editor invades my inbox. "Are you saying MARTY BARON is a coward?!" "Yes," I respond. A few hours later, WaPo announces it will now call the racist thing racist
All of this, of course, comes in the context of a newsroom that constantly condescendingly complained about my tweets - often based on clear factual misreadings of the tweets themselves - while also constantly asking me to tweet out everyone else's work (which I...happily did!)
Meanwhile, for years my job covering the growing BLM protest movement was *constantly* made harder by articles, columns and, yes, tweets, sent by white colleagues that burned our collective credibility. I never felt the need to narc to the bosses tho. Not my style
Other than all of the gaslighting and condescension, really was a lovely place to work
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