Here are the new mask rules. They require people to wear face coverings in businesses and other indoor public spaces. Workers must wear masks outside when social distancing can’t be maintained.
"This is the cheapest, most effective get back that life that we all miss so much," Walz says of Minnesota's new mask mandate.
The mask mandate starts at 11:59 p.m. Friday (so, effectively Saturday).

Here is the executive order:

A person who violates the mask mandate can be punished with a petty misdemeanor and a fine of $100.

A business owner who violates the mandate can be found guilty of a misdemeanor, with a $1,000 fine or 90 days in jail.
Lots of exemptions, including for the Legislature, Minnesota's court system, people with medical conditions, and children under the age of 5.
If you want to read the whole mask order, here it is:
As we reported earlier, the order allows cities to impose stronger mask requirements than the state mandate.

Businesses can also have their own stronger policies.
Minnesota's Democratic legislative leaders @melissahortman and @SusanKentMN support Gov. Tim Walz's mask mandate as "wise," "justified," and "the right decision."

The state's top Republican, @paulgazelka, has called it "heavy handed."
Democratic Gov. Tim Walz joins Republicans Mike DeWine of Ohio and Eric Holcomb of Indiana in announcing new mask mandates today.

More than 30 states now have such mandates.
The mask mandate applies to K-12 schools.

(Note: Walz plans to announce by Monday whether schools can open for in-person classes in the fall.)
Economic development commissioner Steve Grove says businesses must post signs and ask non-compliant customers to put on a mask.

"We don't want physical altercations. We want a thoughtful conversation," he says.
If a customer says he or she isn't wearing a mask for health reasons, the business owner can "leave it there" and doesn't need to ask more questions, Grove says.
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