I've been talking with a lot of former students about college, and I think it's time for a thread. Here we go...

1. College is a business looking to make money. They are going to try to sell you on things you don’t need, like 21-meal-a-week meal plans or parking passes for a car that you should really just leave at home or going straight to a four-year school rather than community college.
2. The people in front of the room/hosting the Zoom? They’re called professors, NOT teachers. It’s Professor Garcia or Dr. Garcia, not Ms. Garcia.
3. Professors often won’t remind you about upcoming deadlines and due dates. Get a calendar or a planner, and input every single date on the syllabus into that sucker on the very first day of class. AND NEVER THROW THAT SYLLABUS AWAY! It's your new best friend.
4. Not every class takes attendance. You’ll know after the first couple exams which classes you can skip (when nothing’s due). But, and this is important, don’t skip any classes until you know their attendance policy and know whether the professor tests on lectures or readings.
5. For most classes, late work won’t be accepted. Period.
6. There’s no such thing as a bathroom pass. Don’t be the idiot the first week of freshmen year who holds up your hand and asks to go to the bathroom. Everyone will laugh at you. Just slip quietly out the back, take care of business, and return as soon as possible.
7. Classes can fill up quickly. Be sure to talk to your counselor about what classes you need ahead of time so that you can register for them the minute your registration time opens up.
8. There will literally always be fun stuff to do, especially if you live on campus. You have to learn to say “No” to friends sometimes, or you’ll never get your work done. Get used to that fact now.
9. That being said, try to say “Yes” as much as possible during the first 2-3 weeks of freshman year. Don't spend that time stuck on the phone with your friends/significant other back home. Everyone else on campus is forming their new friend groups. You don't wanna be stuck alone
10. Maximize small moments. You got ten minutes before your next class? Cool. What homework assignment can you get done in that time? If you use these small moments well, you can a lot of your homework done and free up your evenings to say "Yes" to fun stuff.
11. Loans are not scholarships. You will have to pay that money back. That's true even if you drop out.
12. If you're gonna work (and you should, if possible), make sure your job works around your college schedule. Campus jobs are great, especially if you don’t have a car. Being a server is great too because you’re working mostly evenings and weekends.
13. You need more than a high school diploma, but that doesn't have to mean a college degree. Trade schools and certificate programs that can help you make good money in just one or two years. Don't ignore those options.
That's all I've got! If I missed something, add it in the comments! And feel free to share if any of these helped you.
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