As someone who worked for WE Charity in the past, I cannot believe it's taken the press, school boards, and the general public so long to start questioning this charity/business.

What part of "let's put kids in stadiums and blast them with corporate messaging" seemed normal?
and by “press” I meant the mainstream press.

Kudos to @CANADALAND and @whoisjaren for having the courage to take on this story before it was popular.
Exhibit A:

(too bad they've just hidden the video. I guess someone finally realized how disturbing it is to see a mining CEO leading a stadium full of kids in a chant, in support of his mining operations)
Fun fact: we had a TELUS manager working INSIDE our office, to edit/approve our messages to kids. You know, just to make sure the charity's communications were on brand for TELUS.

We also had to send our tweet/blog drafts to RBC's comms team for approval.

Totally normal.
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