May I step up on this soapbox?

A couple days ago, a woman I follow on twitter tweeted that she was considering starting an OnlyFans account. A couple people responded along the lines of "Don't sell yourself!" or "You're better than that!" and it stuck in my craw.
First, it's their body and they can do whatever they want with it.

Second, "sell yourself" is what every model, actor, singer, etc. does in one form or another. The only reason people see nudity or what have you differently is because of stigmatization.
Which brings me to my third point. Self-worth can't be judged on whether or not someone shows a couple square inches of their body or not. That's just ridiculous. Some folks are comfortable being naked/doing sexy stuff for the public and some aren't.
Some people are comfortable singing in public and some aren't. It has nothing to do with self respect.

Also, and this one is obvious, that kind of thinking is incredibly sexist. If John Cena flexes shirtless on the cover of Men's Fitness, no one says "have some self respect!"
It's all just content creation folks. If you don't to support the creator, don't. But you also don't get to judge them.

Also, when I stand on this soapbox, I can see my house from up here!
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