Look at these Crazy options: some should be agreed to immediately on a voice vote while others should never have been considered.

Extend unemployment benefits? YES...isn't this obvious? Unless you're a Foreign Spy / Libertardian Anarcho-capitalist
A Payroll Tax Cut? That would harm Social Security funding - only Putin and Xi Jinping & their Puppets would want that!
Another $1,200 Check? Do you really have to ask?
Only Putin & Xi's Puppets would want LESS Coronavirus Testing & Contact Tracing
Only #MoscowMitch & #BeijingChao want some of our 50 States to go Bankrupt. Come On, this is an easy one!
Only if DeVos's Grandchildren go to Re-opened Public Schools...
Only Fraudsters & Organized Criminals would want Businesses protected from Coronavirus Lawsuits!
You can follow @RussellSieg.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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