đź’šđź’š I absolutely feel this and empathize to my core. My family has been destroyed by depression and addiction and people who jokingly or pejoratively use words like "crazy", "mentally ill" or talk about what "drugs" people are on are part of the ongoing stigma. https://twitter.com/enews/status/1285957010308182018
If we societally had shifted our compassion from physical illness to encompass mental illness, I have no doubt that many would still be with us: from the famous people we've lost (Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain, Chris Cornell, Robin Williams, Kurt Cobain,
Chester Bennington, and so many others), to lives that hit close to home for each one of us (for me: my father and his brother, my uncle).

Mental illness and addiction are not weaknesses, and they don't make people crazy or bad or unworthy.
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