Let me clarity first,I'm not belittling #Mishti or other character's issues.All RVs have something going on from some perspective.
Today lemme talk about #Abir.
So,this guy has a set of total sh*** parents who keeps on giving him scars
He got innate fear of not being enough.Not good enough to hold back his dad,not nice enough to get his mom's love,not qualified enough to have mish
so he Over compensate everywhere.he is more forgiving,more loving masking his true self
Added With that,life long burden of growing up over night to manage his brother, constant battle of morals with his mom,He meant to shatter way before.due to his strong,sorted personality & deep faith in God & goodness-Abir survived.
He never learnt true meaning of family.He never got one.
Yet,he knew he can't let the namesake one leave like his http://dad.So  He made them http://happy.by  whatevr means.even when its not permanent or right solution
Instead,he learnt escapism.He found peace outdoor with strangers when his band-aid theory got exhausting on his own soul.His soul bleed,scorched,scalded yet found peace in reducing others pain.
By spreading happiness for others & faking for his ownself,He survived.Almost deceiving his ownself
But then,came an angry chorni.With her unruly aura & sassy 3 questions she uncovered his mask & found the Ajeeb Rajvansh underneath.
& the banjara fall in love .Bt when was destiny easy on him?He had to fought against everything including his own morals coz she was betrothed to his brother.Despite all odds,He managed to find solace & dared to dream to have his love
His baba turned out a fraud,his mom a monster,his bro went on a suicidal spree,his love acted like she was not his anymore & finally he almost lost his life.
All those games & blows created havoc on him.He stood tall& got back his love
& Now u are telling me,Mishti-this guy's life in literal sense,the single reason of his existance,his chaand; almost got raped & killed just coz he left her after a petty fight.
How is he still breathing under such a heavy guilt?
Well,he is breathing for her.He is living every moment to calm down his traumatised wife.He gotta be there to tell her to relax.That's why he is still hanging on there.Hiding his own trauma-once again.Every time,with mish,he suffers
He relives all her nightmares,He cant stop thinking what ifs.Wht if Mish was harmed,wht if he was late that night,wht if she goes to jail,wht if she loose her sanity.still he is balancing it all-family & work which is nvr enough
He tries his best to handle it all.Masking his demons well.This time Mishti saw Through it unlike his family but what can this vulnerable girl do?
Even from her personal hell,She bounce back for him-now & then
But for how long?How long will Abir carry on this facade now that even his sister's life is in stake?
How much to endure?All the walls are closing up on him& It's about time,He breaks Down.
I dont want that.I know he will rise n shine
But imagine all his pent up agony,despair & grievance.Anyone would go crazy.If not for a certain chorni,He'd fall hard.
Angry chorni,Just as Ajeeb Rajvansh says,steal his pain this time &cure him on the way of your own healing.
All the gif & picture credits go to the uploaders
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