DO NOT let the right own this story. From a friend who was at the PDX protests last night: "[Two of us] went down to the courthouse last night with double masks, orange dad shirts, goggles and a helmets just to see for ourselves. It was really disturbing... #FedsOutOfPortland 1/4
"...Mostly it's middle-aged, peaceful protesters. The wall of moms is very inspiring. The feds came at 11 to surround the two-block thick crowd in full battle dress, heavily deploying tear gas and flash bangs. They were in pairs... #FedsOutOfPortland 2/4
" with an AR-15 turning 360 degrees every 20 seconds, the other with rubber bullets focused on the crowd. Snipers on the rooftops. The crowd actually pushed them peacefully back where they came from, led by the moms... #FedsOutOfPortland 3/4
"...and shirtless black men saying 'I am unarmed, we are peaceful, these are our streets, please go home,' but it was scary. It's about an inch from Kent State. I was quite happy to come home and have a drink. #FedsOutOfPortland 4/4
I have friends who are there, every night, helping keep others safe. The majority of these people are good, and have the right to protest the actions of our government. DO NOT let the right own this story! #FedsOutOfPortland #PortlandProtests #PortlandMoms
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