The reason that billionaires like Bezos don’t do things like end world hunger, homelessness or unsafe working conditions is because it would aid in propelling lower classes forward. It would create opportunities & wealth distribution for people who are systemically disadvantaged.
They have everything to gain from the state of this world. Think about it. Climate change, homelessness, working class exploration, unsafe labour practices, diseases, pandemics. Or did we forget that billionaires became RICHER since the onset of COVID-19? Let’s wake up folks.
So let’s say that billionares were to band together and end world hunger. Boom. It would ultimately mean less opportunities to exploit and prey on human desperation/need for survival which singlehandedly fuels the means in which billionares are able to acquire so much wealth.
According to CNBC the richest 400 Americans have as much wealth as 64% of the poorest American households. HUH? This level of wealth can only be achieved by the brutal, incessant, merciless and tireless explotation of the working class.
that exploitation is largely fuelled by preying on humanity’s innate need for survival. Food/shelter/clothing. If everyone was to all of a sudden acquire a fair and sustainable means to life, who would billionaires be ravaging & exploiting? That’s right. Nobody.
The exploitation of the working class and the manifestations of capitalism are largely linked to racism but that is another thread for another day! Let’s go back to Bezos for a second.
If all the people working for him were suddenly paid and treated well — their chances of escaping poverty would increase as a result. That would create a boom in the middle class (rich people don’t want that) while shrinking the rich-poor gap (they DEFINITELY don’t want that).
Billionaires literally do not care about you. They will do everything they can to ensure the rich/poor gap remains intact and that the world remains in crippling “need” for the institutions they’ve put in place to keep the working class down.
As long as society is feening off capitalism (which will always exploit those at the bottom to propel those at the top) billionares will stay billionares. They will rest comfortably at night. They will not relinquish one penny to undo the wrongs that afford them this life.
Access. Opportunity. Equality. Wealth distribution. If those things synonymously increase, billionares would have less to exploit and thus, less to gain. It’s important to see how the state of the world works for the continued betterment of those at the top. Not at the bottom.
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