Yoho admits he caused "strife", but denies he used the language he's accused of. Yet he offers no alternative for it.
His denial rings hollow.

He says because he's a father, he knows he has a language problem. Consciousness of guilt.

Then Yoho "apologizes" for other people misunderstanding him? The word "apology" is doing no work there. This is no "apology".

The "poverty" story is his "Checkers" speech.

The "policy" point is irrelevant, as are religion, family, and patriotism.

Rep Yoho failed to:

1. Admit wrong.
2. Say AOC's name.
3. Make reparations.
4. Commit to avoiding such misconduct in future.

This was lip service; an abject failure and dereliction of his duty to comport himself in a manner befitting a Congressman.
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