@portsmouthuni have a document which outlines what good leadership looks like at our institution. In it, they state that being ethical and accountable are vital attributes, and that any decisions taken will be done so in a timely and transparent manner...
Yet the #SaveUoPLit campaign has demonstrated the underhanded and unethical behaviour of those leading the 'consultation' into EL redundancies, including but not limited to: misrepresenting the staffing levels/workloads of the EL staff, pitting the EL staff against other depts.
disregarded the wellbeing and mental health of affected staff, used irrelevant and incorrect data to support spurious claims, informed the local news of these cuts before informing the staff, ignored the pleas and concerns of students and parents of students... I could go on.
Instead, I'll invite you to consider whether the leadership of the University are displaying their own leadership attributes? Come to our rally tomorrow at 4 and show @SaveUoPLit your support! http://tiny.cc/qsxjsz 
You can follow @TheMuddlebrow.
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