Progressive Left defends Louis Farrakhan.
Alt-Right Nazis do the same in 2020 America.

Both groups are now working overtime to divide American Black & Jewish communities.

Don't believe it?

Ask yr favorite *Antizionist, not Antisemitic* Leftists where they stand on this. 👇👇👇
Soviets were leading the way as far back as 1971, attempting to divide American Black & Jewish communities.

It serves the interests of BOTH the far Left & far Right to divide Jewish and Black people.
In Chicago Feb 1962, American Nazi Party leader G. Lincoln Rockwell addressed Savior's Day Convention after Elijah Muhammad:
From June 1961, ANP's George Lincoln Rockwell tells his Nazi followers Nation-of-Islam leader Elijah Muhammad agrees that race-mixing is Jewish plot that needs to be thwarted in order to bring about separation of races....
From 1985 NYT article, we see ANP's G. Lincoln Rockwell fully supporting Nation of Islam, similar in manner to Linda Sarsour & other former leaders of Women's March, very likely due to their views on American Jews.
Also from 1985 NYT...

Art Jones recently lost election bid in 2018. Leftists were quick to point out his Nazi past, but silent on his alliance with Louis Farrakhan who Jones said "stands up against Jews".

Former KKK Tom Metzger also chips in on Farrakhan & Jews.
If you were wondering how far back the Black-Hebrew-Israelite movement goes, this same 1985 NYT article shows Farrakhan invoking same ideology, very similar to Christian Identity doctrine of Whites being God's true Chosen people.

Today's Left feeds off this negative energy.
Lastly, from 1985 NYT article.

2 reasons why Farrakhan's NoI collaborate with White Supremacists.

"Progressive Leftists" today practically define themselves as being against White Supremacy. They're not when it comes to American Jewish-Black relations.
If Farrakhan's rants against Jews don't merit the highest of condemnation, then what about White Nationalists who use Farrakhan's talking points practically verbatim?
Since the election of President Donald Trump, right-wing white nationalists—also called the "alt-right"—have been punched, chastised and ridiculed for their hateful beliefs. looks like they might've found some non-white friends online.
Leaders of the alt-right replied to Farrakhan with an invitation to join forces to realize their shared goal of an ethno-state:
Later, Mike Enoch, whose podcast, The Daily Shoah, espouses anti-Semitism to its reportedly 100,000 listeners, expressed his long-held admiration for the minister. He tweeted: "I've always been a fan of Farrakhan Tbh."
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