It's time you guys learn my story.

How I got here

Where I'm going

And where we'll go together.

Buckle up, it gets ugly...
Early on I had it good.

Honestly, things were great.

I was a bit of an awkward child..

But always smiling, and incredibly strong-willed

I had a loving family and a lot of great experiences.

But things wouldn't always stay so blissful for me...
Fast forward to high school.

I found porn from a fairly young age

In hindsight that really messed up my teenage years

But back then, I had no idea. I was really into gaming

Had some good friends, and overall was having a good time.

But massive change was heading my way.
I decided to go to college to be an Actuary..

Most people don't know what that is.

Basically, a big-boy corporate number cruncher.

I would've been doing crazy mathematics for alright pay checks

I figured hey, the pay is good and I like math.

Never predicted what came next..
During winter break after my first semester

I was introduced to a group of entrepreneurs

They were working in sales with a health company

I was invited to work with them and since I found it exciting..

I gladly accepted.

I had no idea how these people would change my life.
Within the first week or so,

They'd put self-improvement books in my hands.

I started with Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Compound Effect, and Think & Grow Rich.

These books had a profound impact on me.

I developed an insatiable HUNGER.

Things were changing quickly..
I discovered that there are wildly successful people out there

Who have put the best of their knowledge and wisdom into books & seminars

Specifically to teach other people how to level up their lives.

I became obsessed with learning.

A few months after this, I dropped out.
I realized I had no need to go to college to be an actuary.

I could learn from these successful people and emulate them.

It made sense, since they had the results I wanted - I didn't *really* want to be an actuary.

So I worked in sales for a while.

But a problem was growing..
Inside of me something had changed.

My gut health had been compromised, but I had no idea.

It started with small patches of dryness on my arms.. then spread.

Quickly. Within about a year thick scaly dryness was covering most of my body.

This was at age 19. It gets worse...
I started seeing dermatologists, and they prescribed steroid creams.

At first, they worked! Then they didn't.

So they increased the strength. And once again, they worked.

Until they didn't. This cycle repeated until I was using the strongest steroids available.

Then, a twist.
I had exhausted my steroidal treatment options.

I was already using the strongest ones on the market.

So the next time I went to the doctor, he asked me...

"How do you feel about injecting a shot into your leg once per week?"

Uhhh.. wtf? Alright... whatever it takes I guess.
So I followed his direction and started injecting myself once per week.

It was a strong immunosuppressant drug called Methotrexate, used for cancer patients.

Can you guess what happened?

It worked!.... until it didn't.

This was when I knew something was seriously wrong.
Everything my "world reknown" dermatologist had recommended to me

Had worked for a little while, and then stopped being effective at all.

I was miserable. I was in pain. I was flaking, scratching and bleeding every day.

It got to a point where I couldn't function in daily life
I had to drop out of my sales job and start focusing on finding a solution.

An actual solution. One that addressed the root cause, not the symptoms.

Eventually I found a homeopathic dermatologist, and things started to look up.
My doctor taught me about gut health.

I learned I had a Candida Overgrowth & Leaky Gut..

We started treating it with food and supplements and my situation improved a good bit.

At this point I had huge bald spots on my head from scratching it so much.

Here's a funny picture.
However little did I know... the worst was yet to come.

All the while, over those 2-3 years, I had continued using those SUPER strong steroid creams.

All over my body. In completely excessive amounts...

And when I stopped? All hell broke loose.
You see.. when you use these creams, they artificially introduce Cortisol to your body

So your body stops producing its own.

So when I stopped that artificial introduction of Cortisol...

All the symptoms became 20x worse.
Inflammation, dry skin, hair loss, unbelievable itch.

You name it. I was living it. Here's a photo from that time.

The nerve endings all across my body became so sensitive that it hurt when air brushed up against it.

This is the worst I've ever felt.

But it was temporary :)
After about 5 months of agony, my body finally started to produce Cortisol again.

I was still miserable, but things were starting to look up.

Between a good diet & supplementation, I was improving.

As you can see I lost a lot of my brows for a while.. but was still smiling.
Around this time I started streaming on Twitch.

I wanted to feel productive but I didn't have regular opportunities for work while caring for myself.

This turned out to be one of the best decisions of my life.
I pretty quickly developed a loyal community of people around me.

For the first time in a couple years, I had an income.

Within a year it got to a point where I didn't have to worry about money at all.

I can't express how much this meant - to not be mooching off family.
Sure, my family want the best for me and understood my situation..

But I still felt AWFUL about being in my 20's and not being able to provide for myself.

My skin was a perfectly legitimate reason, but it didn't feel good.

Streaming changed that for me...
I continued to stream for 3.5 years while working on my health. Things got much better.

I should have been healed a couple years ago, considering I was taking all the right steps..

But there were complications that I had no idea about.

More on that in a moment, but first...
Around the 2.5 year mark of streaming, I found Money Twitter through @joserosado

Immediately I was captivated.

All those years ago the entrepreneurs I met had gotten me into self improvement.

And suddenly I found an entire community of people with that energy.
I was amazed by what I was seeing.

I felt like I had "found my people."

Around the 3 year mark of streaming, I decided to get involved.

I started writing tweets in January of 2020..

That has been one of the best decisions of my life.
Since then I have made so many great connections with amazing people.

Had a lot of fun. Made some money. Spread great knowledge..

And I dare say, I've even changed some lives.

This has been one of my greatest blessings.

But my story isn't done yet.
Just one week ago we finally found the last piece to my health puzzle.

I've been having an allergic reaction to dust & mold in the household

Which has been preventing my gut from healing properly.

Now that those things have been identified..

I'm addressing them.
And at long last, after a 7 year battle with my gut health..

I should finally be able to become fully healthy again.

I'm emotional as fuck just writing this tweet.

It's been a long road to get here.

I'm incredibly grateful to almost be free.
I'm also grateful for the struggle I went through, weirdly.

It's made me stronger and wiser, and added a hell of a lot of character.

I know what it feels like to be in the pits of despair..

And now I'm climbing out of it.

No matter how bad it gets, it can always get better.
In recent times, building my brand on Twitter has become my main focus.

That & undoing the bad habits I developed over the time I was coping with my health problems.

Porn, weed, video games, netflix.. all the forms of cheap dopamine you see me talk about.
This is why I talk about them so much.

They are near and dear to my life, and are the biggest thing I've been working to free myself from.

And I've learned how to break the chains.

Now that I know how and I'm succeeding, I'll be teaching you how too..
This community means the world to me.

I'm in this Twitter game for the long-haul.

I'm turning this into my full-time mission.

I'll improve as many people's lives as I possibly can.

My interest in self improvement never went away.

Now it's vastly deepened.
So I invite you to join me on a journey.

A journey into discomfort.

A journey into improvement.

A journey into living an excellent life.

I want to see the best for us, and I'll do my damn best to steer our community in the right direction.
This is only the beginning of my story.

There's much more to come.

I will become a recognized name in the self-improvement industry.

I am determined to help others improve their lives.

You'll be seeing a lot more of me.

I'm just warming up!
If you've read this far... I really appreciate you.

This was not a short read.

But now you know my story.

I poured my heart and soul into this..

Feel free to reach out to me any time, my DMs are always open.

If you enjoyed, pls scroll up & RT the original tweet :)
You can follow @devinmcdermot.
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