I know a lot of people are going to disagree with this because we've been deeply programmed to upgrade everything, but we need to DOWNGRADE everything.

We need to ditch the smartphones.

We need to forcefully reclaim privacy. Doesn't have to be today, but someday... soon.
- Where to we start?
- How do we get trusted news?
- How do we stay in contact?
- How do we voice ourselves?

We're asking these questions because this grip on us is by design and the strongest generations are no longer with us to guide us. We must dig deep to find the answers!
We need to go one week on 3G/4G devices. Then go CDMA for a week. Alternate that cycle for 6 months.

Then, we need to scale.

Increase from weeks to months. If we collect usage data and keep logs of the challenges we face over a 1-2 year timeline, we can reverse engineer this.
The very first roadblock we would run into on our journey to mass downgrade technology is MOBILE BANKING.

Coin shortages and the banning of cash is not a coincidence. It is strategic. Dependency on the technocrats who are in cahoots with globalists.

The battle will NOT be easy!
The second roadblock is access to trusted info. No one is going to buy a copy of The New York Times on the way to the office. Those days are long gone. We need solutions.

Our current trusted sources need to step up. Example: @OANN needs a printed paper. We need to go backward.
Message in a bottle! Problem solved. 🙂
You can follow @goodblackdude.
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