Voting rarely if ever creates systemic change (for the better anyway).


But what it DOES do is determine how much and what kind of opposition you will encounter while pursuing that systemic change by other means.

And this is still crucially important
Regardless of who wins the election:

White supremacy will still be a thing. Police brutality will still be a thing.
Systemic racism will still be a thing.
Protest will still be a thing.
Covid-19 will still be a thing.

We will still have to fight.

The question is against WHO?
Personally, I would prefer to resist an establishment that isn't run by an unstable narcissist who is temperamentally incapable of concession or reason.

I'd rather resist people with shame and a basic propensity to govern so that dismantling doesn't mean unimaginable chaos.
If this election simply cannot be about electing your champion, then make it about selecting your opponent.

The choice does matter.

Not because of what they will do for us but for what you can count on them not to do TO us.

We need breathing room.
Like it or not, the fact is that most of the mechanisms of protest, be they direct, economic or social, are dependent on there being a functional (however divergent ideologically) set of governmental leaders or entities to protest against.

This doesn't work with nihilists
It's similar to the concept of economic sanctions. They are predicated on the idea that an oppositional government may not care about OUR interests, but does care about its own people and won't let them suffer

This doesn't work if that government doesn't actually care at all.
Dismantling an unwanted structure is way more dangerous when the structure is already precarious and falling apart than when it's stable and you can dismantle one section without the rest falling on your head.

You could detonate it, but that only works if you don't live there.
I cannot imagine a rationale where we have the opportunity to decide whether or not we want the oppression we will face to be more brutal or less brutal by orders of magnitude and deciding to waiver that choice under the presumption that it doesn't make a difference.

It does.
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