I have multiple clients who pay me $2500+/month to post 2x/week on their Instagram page.

Don’t tell me there is nobody out there who is willing to pay you.

There is infinite money in circulation.

Go grab it.
Real talk you don’t need to work 40-60 hours/week to make 5-6k/month.

That’s just absolutely wild.

You can make that working a few hours a week and working for yourself.

Start your side business in your free time until it gets to a point where you can quit your job.

Then quit
This is not an anti-job tweet.

This is an anti-bad decision making tweet.

If you’re here on “Money Twitter”

Ignorance is no longer an excuse.

Fix your mindset and start something on the side.

You won’t get rich quick but you’ll get happy quick.
You can follow @paik_michael.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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