Wild that people (who havn't even seen season 10 lets be real) will go on about how "Bill being a lesbian is forced down our throat!!! They talk about it so much!!!!1!!"

Like every single nu-who companion both men and women havn't had multiple episodes about their sexualities?
Rose: romance subplot with the doctor, relationship with Mickey (relevant basically EVERY episode)

Mickey: relationship with Rose, marries Martha

Jack: HELLO? (good queer tho)

Martha: her unrequited feelings towards the doctor (relevant basically EVERY episode), marries Mickey
Donna: the outlier, but STILL is getting married in her first ep, married in her last, and in the silence in the library 2 parter she is married and maintains those feelings, snogs the doctor, repeated jokes about her and the doctor being married
Clara: romantic feelings towards 11 (relevant almost all eps of seasons 7 pt 2), snogs him, gets a long term boyfriend who is a constant in season 8

River (could put her anywhere): HELLO?

Amy: is a literal sex worker, engaged/long term boyfriend since ep 1, the back and forth between 11 and Rory is p much all of season 5, then her relationship with Rory is central in season 6 and 7

Rory: p much defined by his relationship with Amy
Missy (not a companion and i adore her but): snogs the doctor, her relationship with the doctor is the core of season 10 (could be platonic though?)
Nardole: even NARDOLE gets multiple romantic jokes (Oxygen, The Doctor Falls)
And finally, Bill: her first ep it's made clear she's a lesbian, in knock knock she rejects a guy, in the 3 parter she goes on a date, in Lie of the Land she mentions being lesbian to a group of bisexuals, in The Doctor Falls she thanks the doctor for understanding she's gay
Rose, Martha, Amy, and Clara literally have their entire run with important plots revolving around their sexuality and their straight attractions/relationships.

Bill mentions her sexuality in like 5 episodes and gets a GF in her last ep.

Yet people say that's forced?
I didn't include them as this criticisms were mainly made while season 10 was on, but Yaz and Ryan have weird sexual tension in a few eps, and Graham's relationship with Grace is a massive part of his character.
BTW to be clear I would love it is Bill's sexuality was relevant in every ep! I would ADORE for her to have a reoccurring girlfriend!! more gay!!!!!
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