I'm a few weeks into my @BlockRoots_ subscription and I'd like to give some thoughts on this overall program/site. I think that this is an excellent #crypto education platform overall and that nearly anyone can gain value from this. @CanteringClark @Josh_Rager
A few caveats: I haven't been to any paid groups and I haven't done a ton of paid education in the past (I've done the $BTC market profile course from @7ommyZero and @KRTrades_ , which I highly recommend). I mainly trade #altcoins but want to expand my $BTC trading skills.
@BlockRoots_ is a great site because they are not a signal service and they are not something you follow blindly to get entries and exits. The site has several modules encompassing market education for the crypto trader.
There are tons of other trading platforms such as babypips or even exchanges such as TD Ameritrade that have lots of videos/articles/etc. Those are great for equities or FX traders but I like that BlockRoots focuses on trading from a crypto perspective.
You can literally learn from the ground up on block roots and be a very novice/new trader and these modules will give you a great foundation to build off of. It doesn't teach 1 single system or some gimmicky BS- it teaches you how to THINK and build your own.
Experienced traders know that trading is a single player game. What works for you might not work for others and ppl have 1000000 different styles to be successful. This is an important thing to consider when signing up for these paid groups. Teach a man to fish...
(I also don't want to get too much of a ramble on paid groups; I think they're good services generally as long as you can learn to THINK about the approach yourself and not just blindly long and sell when you see someone have a signal out. But I digress).
I'd be very surprised if there was a trading community that was as good as BlockRoots for the beginning trader in terms of foundational value. Both creators have a lot of experience in traditional markets and it shows.
My favorite section was the orderflow and market profile section, an area that I greatly want to strengthen. Very good content there and OF is all the rage these days for trading $BTC. I plan on investigating more of this site daily.
Anyways, tl;dr: I think that @BlockRoots_ has great value if you are wanting to learn trading on a foundational level. I would say this is a better site for the $BTC trader vs. the #altcoin trader- not bc TA doesn't apply to alts, but just that there are more modules on
$BTC trading than alt trading (stuff like funding rates, market profile and OF, options, etc) are not all seen in all altcoin trading. That said, the fundamentals are the same IMO. I definitely recommend this site!
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