Every vote has been counted, and it's official: we won with over 64% of the vote!

Every neighborhood in our Assembly District, every big building, and nearly every Election District voted for our vision for a more equal New York, a more just New York, and a better New York. 1/
The way we won isn't complicated:

☑️ We ran an unapologetically progressive campaign that puts the needs of working families first.

☑️ We took on special interests who want to maintain the status quo (and their power)

☑️ We out-worked and out-organized our opponent

This is the same way we won in 2016. It's the same way that progressives across the City and State have been winning since, from my friends in the Senate who took down the IDC to the progressives I'll be calling colleagues in January.

We reached every voter, in every neighborhood, from every walk of life b/c of the hard work of so many. I'm eternally thankful to my dedicated staff, our tireless interns & vols, & every single one of you who has supported me, put your faith in me, & believed in our movement.

And in particular, I want to thank the unions, groups, and leaders who have stood behind me:
And so so so many more! 5/
Being your Assemblywoman is the biggest honor of my life, and I'm so excited to keep fighting alongside you.

Let's get back to work. 6/end
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