"Mosley made contact with responsible Black leaders and talked to them in their own homes. It was to the great credit of Union Movement that in the early 1960s an Associate Movement was formed whereby Black people could co-operate in a fair policy of Jamaica for the Jamaicans..."
full article:

>During the late 1930s the British Union paper ACTION found time to campaign against the iniquity of working conditions and mass un-employment among black people on West Indian sugar plantations as unworthy of a great Empire containing many races
the Virgin BNP banning black members vs the Chad BU organising with them to speed up repatriation
Mosley didn't preach hate, here's some more based black guys from back in the day
"I've spoken in those terms [on repatriation] at meetings where many negroes were present and they've agreed with me; they'd much rather be home in their sunshine!"
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