Yesterday @ebonybowden, a NY Post reporter authored a hit piece in which she said I did not vote in the 2016 and 2018 elections. The story was not accurate and the product of her sloppy, lazy and shambolic reporting. I have provided the records proving I voted in both 1/
elections. There is no dispute about the facts. The story says I didn’t vote and attacks me for it. The records prove that I did yet Ms. Bowden and her editors have refused to correct the record. The dishonesty is purposeful and premeditated. I grew up in New Jersey and have 2/
read the NY Post since I was a kid. I still do. Earlier in my career I became friends with one of America’s best political reporters, the incomparable Deborah Orin. She was the NY Posts Washington bureau chief. She was tough, fair, smart and scrupulously honest. She would have 3/
Been utterly appalled by Ms. Bowdens sloppiness and now wanton dishonesty. I appreciate that Ms. Bowden is enthusiastic in her support for Trump and a conduit for attacks against his opponents, including me by his campaign. 142,000 Americans are dead as the Trump Virus 🦠 4/
Rages across America. When at long last Trump donned a mask this “journalist” tweeted the following “ Going to go out on a limb here and say President Trump looks pretty badass in a mask”. This is fan girlism in its highest form. It’s not journalism 5/
Recently, Ms. Bowden could be seen in the White House briefing room sneering and laughing uncontrollably at the accent of an Indian journalist. Her breaches of decorum and meanness towards her colleague don’t 6/
Make her a bad reporter. Her sloppiness and laziness in gathering facts is a concern for her editors and management. It is the willful dishonesty involved in an indisputable matter of fact that should concern all of us. Deborah Orin did not have the gift of years but in the 7/
Time she had she left an indelible legacy of journalistic integrity, toughness, fairness and kindness. Ms. Bowden would do well to learn more about her. Maybe it would help her do better next time. Please correct your misleading and discredited story. Thank you 🙏
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