#FoodInsecurity top line #’s are unchanged with today’s release, which covers July 9-14.

Unchanged is a relief, given the bad employment numbers this week. https://twitter.com/ernietedeschi/status/1285940771892482050?s=20
Remember: Household Pulse asks a/b food SUFFICIENCY, incl. do we have enough food but not types we want, or sometimes/often not enough food. Asks a/b last 7 days.

44% report they are food insufficient; 52% among those w/kids.
I transform data from insufficiency to #FoodInsecurity using the CPS. Usually, a smaller share of those not having “food types wanted” turn out to be food insecure, a higher share that “often” or “sometimes” don’t have enough food are. We use this info to estimate food insecurity
Overall, 24% of respondents food insecure. 30% of respondents w/kids.

3 in 10 is a LOT of food insecure people.
Rates for those w/kids by race/ethnicity are still sickening.

About 4 in 10 #FoodInsecure for Blacks, Hispanics/Latinos

Just under 1 in 4 for whites.
14% of those w/kids say their household sometimes/often does not have enough to eat, according to the household food sufficiency question.
One in five Blacks, Hispanics w/kids say their HH sometimes/often does not have enough to eat.
Things that will make this worse include:
Letting the UI benefit top-up expire
Kids not going back to school -> P-EBT *must* be extended!

What would help? #BoostSNAPNow with a 15% max ben increase.
You can follow @dwschanz.
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