I keep seeing people ask POC how to be a better ally. To my fellow white people, We have to remember it is not the job of POC to educate us and if they are not offering that knowledge upfront on their own accord, you should not just randomly expect them to be your teacher. (1/14)
With everything going on in the world right now, POC are tired. So I have decided since I keep seeing it be asked, I would make a list of some ways I have found through listening to POC, you can be a better ally. (2/14)
I will call this thread "a white bitch giving other white people advice on how to be a better ally." but always listen to the advice of POC on this over mine! Thank you for coming to my ted talk let's begin. (3/14)
-Listen to POC. Do not interrupt them, do not add your opinions on the matter; just listen to them.

-Show up and vote for the people who will stand up for POC's interests and listen to POC to know who those individuals are.
-Learn that being a good ally is NOT about YOU! Don't do the work to be a good ally and then expect you should be praised for it. Allyship is not about getting credit or praise.
-You cannot just own and admit to knowing you have the privilege. You have to do the work to make change actively.

-If you cannot show up by volunteering, You can show up by donating to many organizations out there who need the funds to bring real change. (6/14)
-Support black-owned businesses. Take this further by not giving your money to businesses that do not adequately represent Black people.

-DO NOT deny POC their lived experiences. (7/14)
-Accept that you have almost definitely been complicit in perpetuating systems of oppression at some point in your life. Learn from it, and commit to doing better.

-Never assume you know what is best for POC. You do not.
-Stop getting offended when a conversation about the issues paints white people in a bad light. The frustrations towards white people are valid!

-Call out your white friends and explain to them why what they are saying or doing at the moment is problematic.
-When a conversation about how white people are problematic is being had never jump in to say you personally have not done the thing being spoken about. It does nothing to help the real issue and just comes off like you want a cookie. (10/14)
-Do not participate in white feminist movements or events where the agenda overlooks POC's struggles and needs.

-When you make a mistake through ignorance which you will, do not get defensive. Apologize sincerely. Own it and promise to change the behavior going forward and then actively do it. (12/14)
-Do not ask POC to spend their time and energy continuing to educate you. Many amazing POC have already put in that time. It is your responsibility to do your own research and educate yourself. (13/14)
This concludes this list. If any POC would like to add, please do so! but do not feel obligated. Also, please correct me if I got anything wrong! (14/14)
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