Can’t understand why recent reports are calling for the #Prevent strategy to be scrapped. Especially disheartening from those who have seen and acknowledged the good work first-hand (1/8)
(2/8) As someone who has worked on frontline #Prevent implementation and with universities for 7 years, I would be deeply concerned for students who have been “reported for reading terrorism-related textbooks as part of their degree”.
(3/8) Unfortunately, some Muslims are reinforcing the stereotype that #Prevent is ‘all about us’-this ‘victim mentality’ is not doing anyone any favours and turns our attention away from the fastest growing threat. Why not let data speak for itself?
(4/8) The massive rise in referrals from far-right/white supremacist groups, the proscription of National Action, Scottish Dawn, NS131, Sonnenkreig Division & most recently Feuerkreig Division, is stark evidence of this.
(5/8) Or are we saying we don’t care about the threat posed to young vulnerable individuals or communities by these right wing terrorist groups, so long as #Prevent is scrapped?
(6/8) Worth remembering that referrals to #Prevent for #rightwing ideology has increased to 24 per cent (up from 18 per cent in 2017/18) with 45% of those adopted by #channel referred for concerns related to right-wing extremism and 37% for Islamist extremism.
(7/8) The reality is, it’s the good work being done by our communities up and down the country that is being undermined & devalued by these toxic voices. We need to get some perspective on what is being achieved and make sure we look at the bigger picture.
(8/8 ) And finally, what I never seem to hear about is exactly HOW else we are going to #safeguard young vulnerable individuals who are being targeted, or any suggestion of what an alternative strategy to #Prevent #radicalisation & recruitment to terrorism would look like
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