There’s a strong correlation between white fauxgressivism, white saviorism and gentrification. Their parents left our communities during white flight, they decided to come back, co-opt our movements and displace us from our homes, all under the guise of “allyship” & “solidarity.”
I see it every day in Detroit, and I know the folks in Brooklyn know exactly what I’m talking about. They have priced many of us out of our homes, good neighborhoods, and yet they call themselves “community activists.” Some of them run for local office and other gentrifiers elect
Them. They price us out, we’re forced to leave, then they begin to complain the prices are too high & run on platforms of “change,” without acknowledging their complicity. They do all this under the guise of “solidarity.” This is what white supremacy looks like. I don’t have
Much else to say..although I could sit on this bird app all day talking about the effects of gentrification and what it’s doing to communities like mine, and this is gonna sound strange, but remember in Boyz in the Hood when Tre’s father explained gentrification to Tre & Ricky?
We need to do the same. Too many of our youth are being hoodwinked by white populism & fauxgressivism. They get pulled in by other POC they get to push white populism ( they’ll drop them the minute they speak out) & then they pit our own youth against us & try to convince them
They’re fighting alongside us when in reality it’s racist paternalism & white supremacy, and we’re the ones who die when we get stuck w/ inexperienced legislators white fauxgressives installed. Like I said above, I don’t have a whole lot left to say right now other than please
stay vigilant. Brooklyn replaced a 46 year incumbent w/ a white gentrifier holding herself out as a “community activist,” Bc they blame him for rent prices their complicity in gentrification created. A white journalist put his loss on the shoulders of the speaker, a Black man.
We saw this w/ President Obama. We see it w/ Senator Kamala Harris. White ppl don’t get what they think they’re entitled to and we’re expected to shoulder the blame. White ppl like Bernie, whose state ranks fourth in Black incarceration rates, created the racist system, but it
Was Kamala’s fault & she was expected to be a magical Negress and fix it. When a white DA locked a Black mother up, a white “journalist” from Huff Pro Weaponized her pain against Kamala. When Lieberman refused to vote for a public option, it was Obama’s fault white ppl didn’t get
Medicare for All, and when white ppl gentrify our communities, Prices go up, incumbents lose their seats to fauxgressive white gentrifiers, it’s “not a good look” for the Black speaker of the house. They are not our allies & this isn’t what solidarity looks like. It’s what white
Supremacy looks like.
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