The reason behind choosing balakot was clear it was the control room of the Jaish including trainning for suicide bombing, IED and artillery and waging terror in India, US and Afghanistan .
A classified document of the US 16 years back clearly mentioned a terrorist named Hafeez K Rahman a Pakistani National locked in Guatanamo Bay who took trainning in the same Balakot and took terrorism, this document had the sign of US Army Major General Geoffrey D. Miller.
The high-accuracy locational coordinates of the targetted facility as well as high-accuracy navigational waypoints inside hostile airspace in areas where no sympathetic local human resources were bound to be available, was the principal challenge for India.
Here India[RAW] took the help of Afghanistan particularly the human resource assets of Afghanistan’s Riyasat-e Amniyat-e Milli,or the National Directorate of Security (NDS)which was present in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK),within which the targetted JeM facility was located
Subsequently high-accuracy locational coordinates were obtained and the camp was infiltrated by RAW to analyse the structures of the camp, thickness of the walls and sealing and regular schedule of the Terr0rists.
It was found that it had a gym, firing range, swimming pool etc. along with a ground to play outdoor games. It had also a highly restricted and secure ammunition warehouse all equipped with very thick walls fearing 2016 like surgical strikes.
Ammunition reserves included everything needed to make IED, 200 Assault rifles, hand grenades, rocket launchers and uncounted rounds of 7.62 and 5.56 mm bullets among others. NTRO also analysed the number of cell phones activated in the area.
Then entire coordinate were fed in Safran Electronics & Defense-supplied Mission Analysis and Restitution System (MARS) of the IAF. Which created flight and attack plans; analyzes missions, with video playback;
provides tactical situational awareness (flight corridors, positions of threats, etc.) and geographical 2-D and 3-D environment (digital maps, terrain profiles, meteorological conditions, etc.);
and finalises weapons-to-target matching parameters and operating protocols for electronic systems (electronic warfare, target acquisition/designation pods, radio, IFF, etc).
February 18 : All these were completed within 4 days of getting go-ahead from Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Another 5 days were consumed by various asset mobilisation efforts throughout the IAF’s Western and Central Air Commands
February 22: Rehearsals started by IAF on the skies of Haryana, Punjab and J&K. PAF also reacted to this and scrambled jets from
Rafiqui , Kamra and Sargodha to counter Bhisiana, Adampur, Halwara, Srinagar and Avantipora sorties by IAF.
February 26 Judgment Day: Night 2 Am PM NARENDRA MODI, NSA AJIT DOVAL and Chiefs of Millitary command among with others were awake with their screens on somewhere in New Delhi.
Directorate of Air Staff Inspection (DASI) was conducted in Gwalior Airbase before 2 AM to overthrow any suspicion by anyone.
Even Central Air Command, the AOC-in-C of the Command was not aware of the ops until just a few hours before when he was informed that his 12 boys from Gwalior are needed in Pak airspace for creating havoc.
Morning 2AM: 6 Mirage 2000HS took off from Gwalior and reached Agra
3 mirages were armed with total 9 1000lb HSLD bombs and other 3 mirages were armed with 6 907kg Spice 2000 PGM.
They were refuelled by IL-78MKIs
Morning 3AM: another 6 Mirage-2000Hs that had already re-deployed from Gwalior to Adampur a day earlier, headed for eastern Himachal Pradesh where they, along with the Mirage-2000s from Agra, were all refuelled.

They then turned towards J&K
3:30AM TO 4:00AM : 2 sorties of six-aircraft including heavily armed Sukhoi-30 MKI was done in staggered manner from Bhisiana towards Okara-Bahawalpur, and from Halwara towards Lahore.
This heavily distracted and nervoused the two CAPs of the PAF that were airborne that night from Rafiqui and Sargodha airbases.
3:30 AM: 6 mirages broke formation into two packages 3 armed with HSLD headed towards Balakot and 3 armed with Spice 2000 headed for a location northwest of Muzaffarabad all undetected due to Terrain Masking Flight Profile.
3:35 AM: Balakot base camp: From Southwest direction the 3 mirages launched 5 spice 2000 on the Target hitting it with pin point accuracy
penetrating the structures and creating low pressure and very high temperature zone inside the buildings along with high fragmentation which roasted the terr0rists like Chicken tandoori out of recognition.
3:45AM- 3:53AM: Balakot Base camp: From North Eastern direction HSLD equipped 3 Mirages arrived and launched one after the another 9 HSLD bombs on the camps wiping out everything that remained on the camp with blast fragmentation .
All the 6 mirages then turned back towards India
3:40 AM: Another wave of 6 mirages entered POK and conducted CAP in medium altitude over Keran Valley.These 6 were detected by the PAF’s Kamra-based airspace surveillance radar, which in turn ordered a scramble of two F-16s from Chaklala air base in Rawalpindi.
since they were still 120 km away from the mirages to engage them and they reached Balakot only four minutes later after the Mirages had already entered Indian Airspace.
The operation lasted for 21 minutes inside Pakistan.
Imagery of the the targetted area from DGISPR indicates that the shallow craters and blown-up trees were not due to the explosion of HSLD bombs (since the trees would have been burnt-up had the bombs exploded nearby)
but were from IED explosions, most probably triggered by the trainee JeM cadres or their instructors for training purposes in the recent past.
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