I used to be relatively cautious about need for major constitutional reform. But as existing system falls apart under pressure from unprincipled, power-greedy charlatans, we see full dangers of unwritten constitution that relies on shared values, good faith and self-restraint...
... so I'm increasingly converted to need for full-scale revision of UK fundamentals: written constitution, no more FPTP, proper separation of powers, effective checks and balances, protected basic rights of citizens, protected powers of national and regional governments...
... especially since Brexit has now taken way, or at least seriously weakened, many of the basic safeguards EU membership once provided for a whole range of our political, civil, social and economic rights. We are now sitting ducks for a government willing to abuse its power...
... I always cringed at someone cooing over "genius of the English constitution": complacent and exceptionalist. We know now: UK populists are no different from in US, Brazil etc. Only exceptional thing about here? Our almost total lack of constitutional protection against them.
ps, goes without saying: a reformed UK also as a member of the EU once again... and without prejudice to the right of the people of Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland to decide on a different future for themselves outside the UK (though preferably still inside the EU!)
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