I must give immense credit to @StowNIGDYWIECEJ of Poland for helping on this story — white supremacy is a global menace, and we need to work across borders to tell the truth about what’s happening right now.
Posobiec trotted out a smattering of low-level MAGA types to defend him last time.

Who is defending National Radical Camp? I’d urge you to look them up.
Here’s a thing about the National Radical Camp tweet above 👆🏽 — Jack Posobiec soft peddles this “no migrants” stuff.

These people were chanting “death to the enemies of the homeland” and celebrating their founding.

Again, they bombed Jewish homes and businesses in the 1930s.
Give me a break, Jack. You have my number. Call me up and explain.

The thing is there is no explanation that reflects well here because in a colloquial, non-academic sense — this is just Nazi stuff.
Reporters who track MAGA stuff might have seen this fella before 👇🏽. He claims to run Posobiec's Facebook account and Steve Bannon's social media.

@StowNIGDYWIECEJ found him on a Polish forum warning about "Jewish mafia claims" and boasting about his access to power in the U.S.
Last thing for now. Here's Jack Posobiec citing the leader of an extreme far-right Polish party whose members traffic in revisionism about the Holocaust -- for expertise on "antifa."

Again, Trump gets news and analysis from OANN: http://archive.li/IJ03X 
Posobiec keeps RTing obscure defenders, including something called @MintChipMusic, a weird MAGA performer who did a gimmick song about Roger Stone.

He doesn't talk about what National Radical Camp and Ruch Narodowy believe.

Why do you think that is? https://twitter.com/MichaelEHayden/status/1285957156974493710?s=20
You can follow @MichaelEHayden.
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