THOUGHT: What if Patriots are in control and yesterday's TW announcement was to bring CueAnon into the mainstream? I'm not seeing a ton of big accounts being deleted just yet which is strange since they've clearly been planning this for a while. Something to think about..
Accounts are definitely being throttled, but they'd have to make it look believable enough to gain traction. Something with the hack last week and now this just doesn't add up for me. I could be wrong, but as you all know by now, I question everything and everyone.
The first photo is what my account looked like last night. Now the Search Suggestion Ban has already been removed? I'm telling you something is up here...
Almost a 2 year delta on this drop.
I'm checking every few minutes and the shadowbans are going in and out. Like I said, I could be completely off. The coming days will shed more light. Keep your eyes open.
7000 accounts?? That's a drop in the bucket. BUT if this is a controlled op, it allows the enemy to continue to say we are a small movement but still allows us for the most part to do what we do on here while drawing millions more eyes to us. I COULD BE WRONG. But it's strange..
ALL people have to do is look at video online of Portland and compare it to the "vicious, violent" CueAnon and most will see it's all complete BS and projection. You'll still have the hardcore sheep that insist on sleeping but MOST will see this assault as a complete lie.
C.Teigen blocks a MILLION accounts (I'm one of them kek), but TW suspends 7000??? Either it's all BS or TW is actually going to ban a million which will then prove how BIG we are! They've checkmated themselves.
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