Hey #mapoli is anyone watching what's happening in Worcester? Because as usual it is wild. I spent over a dozen years working in Boston and would frequently get the question as a Worcester native, "wtf is going on in Worcester?" So, a quick summary-
last night our city council ignored several resident petitions to hold off on implementing any kind of body camera program until there could be significant research in public comment on it especially given that there's no evidence that it increases any positive outcomes
The cost for one year of the body program is actually more than our entire health and human services department which then gave a great presentation about all the amazing work they're doing for those peanuts and those same counselors lamented that there isn't more money for it 🤷
They also at the same meeting refused to return the gift of a Columbus statue that is on public land saying that the Italian American community gets to decide who we are. That's all well and good for an Italian-American cultural center, but public land is public land.
if you're wondering, the police body camera report that was due many months ago was part of the agenda last night and when I tell you that this report is mind-numbingly bad I really can't find the words to exaggerate. Calling at a report is make believe.
It's more like a collection of quotations from officers who are mad that they can't swear at people anymore. As one caller last night noted it lacks any clear objectives or before and after comparisons or evidence of any kind that any goals were met. In fact it lacks any goals.
Zero out of zero would not grade this report if it was given to me by a student. speaking of which, we have 15 universities in the greater Worcester area. It seems to me if we really wanted to know whether or not the body camera pilot was useful we could engage some of them.
Speaking of students, we're still not quite sure what we're going to be doing this fall in terms of school and admittedly there are no good options. But there are options, and another community hearing tonight which you should check out.
There is also a new Instagram account RacismFreeWPS That expounds on many of the issues that were unaddressed by administration last year and it's pretty horrific. I'm thankful for all of the people coming forward with their stories
And I'm glad that the EAW is going to be doing a public action to support their teachers and bus drivers this Friday. Because I was a little worried that they were sleeping at the wheel on this one and more concerned about police in schools.
basically I am so furious that many many people are engaged and excited to be part of making our community a place where all of us can thrive and we are being told over and over again by our city council that they don't give a s***. So furious that I made a long tweet thread.
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