6/ WELLLLLLL... you might just be sitting on the biggest story the underworld has ever produced.

There is more than enough circumstantial & eye-witness confirmed evidence that Ghislaine Maxwell was continuing her father’s intelligence business.
7/ That’s the story. The rapes were a tactic used by intelligence operatives to compromise our nation’s leaders: political, business, intellectual/academic.

Wake up.

- end thread -
For how Fuckateers like Epstein & Maxwell can evade prosecution for as long as they did, see BREAKING NEWS: how mobsters & spies deliver goods on other mobsters & spies to get out of their own crimes at NO SH*T SHERLOCK O’CLOCK.

Or, just read this. https://gregolear.substack.com/p/give-me-secrecy-and-give-me-death
And PS...
Will be on Narativ tonight & Friday to help continue piecing this together for everyone.
Best way to watch is either @ZevShalev twitter account, or Zev Shalev on Periscope.
I’ll try to be mindful enough to post a link here as well, but I’m notoriously bad at self-promo.
You can follow @LincolnsBible.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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