I think it is silly to blame 20yr olds when the real culprits are the bars and restaurants which are not enforcing distancing.

Put the onus on those making money in the situation, not socially starved young folks. Folks will follow the rules if establishments enforce them. https://twitter.com/cbcnewsbc/status/1285938410985861120
This idea that 23 year olds are breathlessly watching Dr. Henry live streams and then deliberately going and ignoring her advice is not grounded in reality.

If folks are not following best practice it is because the places they go are not following best practice.
What is really happening is people see the bar is open. Maybe they go in alone.

They see the place full of groups of unrelated people sitting in close proximity inside.

The message that sends is going to resonate a lot stronger than advice on a website.
And if they did go to the website and tried to find info on "bubbles" etc it is basically non-existent. So there is not very clear guidance on face-to-face contact for people to find... or even more importantly - to show their friends if they are worried about social plans
Give people the tools to educate their peers. Just "Dr. Henry said" with nothing that anyone can link to other than maybe a news story moralizing about people in their 20s is not helping anything.
If bars and restaurants refused to seat groups of unrelated people in close proximity inside it would tell them that this behaviour is not sanctioned.

When they don't even ask, it sends the message that it is safe to sit close to your friends outside your bubble.
The vast majority of people are not on twitter. They don't watch Dr. Henry's updates. They don't read the news unless it specifically interests them.

These people should be able to follow the rules at bars because the owners enforce them. They shouldn't have to know themselves.
Imagine if we regulated other things this way! We don't expect 15 year olds to self regulate about going to the bar. We expect bars not to serve them. We don't expect 13 yr olds to know better than to buy cigarettes. We made it illegal to sell them to them.
It is one thing to offer general guidelines to people. But businesses should be held to a stronger standard. In this case it is absolutely necessary if we want younger folks to get the message that socializing in large groups in close proximity inside is not recommended.
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