1. Why it matters when male crime is reported/recorded as female crime
Part 4: Official Data & Statistics
We know that male crimes are officially recorded as having been committed by a woman. We know that male prisoners are officially recorded as female and as women.
2. Why does this matter? A criminal is a criminal, after all. The crime still happened and has still been recorded. Surely that is what is important?
3. It matters because service development & policy are developed in response to & evaluated on the basis of data & statistics. If the data are wrong, resources will be misdirected & opportunities will be missed.
4. If we believe the data, there is a rapidly growing number of female offenders convicted of serious violent & sexual offences, including against children. This means that resources intended for female offenders will be used to meet the needs of what are actually male offenders.
5. Remember: in these offence categories, the actual numbers of women convicted are very small. This means that adding just a few men to the official count has a significant impact on the data. Year on year, this impact will build.
6. Whilst, this falsely elevates the statistics for women, it also hides male crime and obscures the location of male prisoners.
7. We know that male prisoners with a GRC stating that they are legally female are placed in women’s prisons and are recorded as being female, as women. What this means is that it is impossible to ascertain the true number of males held in women’s prisons.
8. We can count those with no GRC, who are still recorded as being men. But we cannot count the number who have a GRC because they will be entered in prison records as being women. The MoJ admits this and we will be looking at this in later tweets.
9. This successfully ‘hides’ men in the female estate. This matters because males, as a group, are a risk to women, as a group. We know this from the data. But the data are being manipulated to show something different…
Whose interests does this serve?
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