Media needs to be very careful of this narrative about increase in violence being pushed just as momentum on police defending is occurring. Comparing any one week/month to a prior year does not constitute a statistical trend. There may a trend occurring, we just don't know yet.
We're now seeing daily NYPD gun violence statistics. This violence is terrible and disturbing, but where was this focus on these numbers prior to BLM? I am not saying do not report it. I am saying just be careful about the narratives we are participating in and creating.
We shld question any reporting on this tht's not considering the correlation btw the violence and the unprecedented economic suffering Black Americans are disproportionately suffering: millions already on the edge now out of work, facing eviction, hunger, home with no activities
Has Chicago defunded police? No. Has NYC? No. Has any city yet?
Also, if rapes, robberies, down, what’s responsible for that? BLM and narrative around policing has caused people to shoot people more but rob people less? We need to be careful.
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