When school boards were dissolved in Nova Scotia, we were told that School Advisory Councils (SAC) would "now have a stronger voice in regional and provincial policy development". I want to make it clear that SACs have had NO voice in today's decision from @nseducation #nspoli
These SACs are comprised of dedicated volunteers who give their time to represent and bring forward the distinct and unique perspectives of our school communities. We were not consulted on what is one of the biggest decisions to impact our education system in our lifetime.
While surveying parents and educators is a valid tool, it does not replace direct dialogue with the bodies that are put in place to speak for school communities.
Whatever decision that comes today, know that your school advisory council's were not approached for input. This effectively sends a message that SACs, and the hard working volunteers that dedicate their time, are nothing more than window dressing.
I don't envy the decision makers today. I don't doubt that they have struggled immensely with developing this decision. I am disappointed that SACs are not being engaged in the way Nova Scotians were promised. Those sentiments are not mutually exclusive.
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