I see that people are missing the point of my tweet!

Well first and foremost, the government shouldn’t be encouraging people to go out in a pandemic. At least not until we can maintain zero new cases for a period of time
Secondly, it’s the sheer hypocrisy and distaste of spending $45 mill on a marketing campaign and giving money to businesses while turning away unemployed and struggling Singaporean individuals from aid
Moral standpoint aside, this single-pronged approach is terrible from an economic perspective too. You can’t save dying industries if people! don’t! have! money! to spend!
While the rich will spend around the same amount they always have, a poor person is much more likely to spend an additional dollar on local goods and services than a wealthy person because of the marginal propensity of consumption
You give a rich person $1000 and they’re just going to put it in the bank. You give a poor person $1000 and they’ll use it to buy necessary goods from local businesses and recirculate it into the economy rather than leave it sitting stagnant in a savings account
Injections into companies w/o any form of substantial relief to individuals who need it will almost always result in an understimulated economy

The point is, dying industries aren’t saved by marketing campaigns! It’s by putting money in the hands of those who will spend it!
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