Irony: The two biggest & most important soccer "clubs" in the country ( #USWNT and #USMNT) operate as a nonprofit 501(c)3. But nonprofit clubs are ILLEGAL under @USSoccer's bizarre, antiquated and risky Professional League Standards which require single principal owner control.
If the biggest and most important "clubs" in the country can operate under a non-profit 501(c)3 status, why doesn't @ussoccer allow the hundreds and thousands of non-profit clubs across the country attempt to go pro with a similar model?
Also, some of the biggest clubs in the world like FC Barcelona and Real Madrid (both non-profits) would be illegal under @ussoccer's. Same with the 50+1 model in the Bundesliga. They are all locked out from starting professional clubs in America.
Part of the reason why so many professional clubs have failed in the United States is that @ussoccer purposely forces professional clubs to rely on single individuals who may experience financial troubles, lose interest, die. U.S. Soccer is sabotaging its own game.
With @ussoccer's wacky PLS rules, its almost as if they want the game to fail in the US.
We need to unite to radically change the @ussoccer rules holding the game back in the USA to allow many different models, including non-profits, to go professional. P.S. I got this great image at the top of this chain from @danielworkman #OpenSoccer
Here are the current rules that so desperately need to be changed if you want more information. Hint: we need less restrictive rules, not more restrictive. We need to break the chains holding our country and our sport back.
Should @ussocer allow different models for professional clubs, other than the current "principal owner" model?
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