I don't usually talk about my period on Twitter, but on today, the day my friend Sheela should be turning 40, I need to talk about my period and yours, if you have one.
Uterine cancer is one of the few cancers whose incidence is on the rise and there are a lot of reasons for that but onf of the biggest is that it is often not detected until it's too late. And, relatedly, because medicine, like all systems, has deep-rooted misogyny and racism.
Women are less likely to be taken seriously when they report pain or discomfort. Women of color, particularly Black women are even less likely to be taken seriously. I don't have numbers on trans/nb uterus havers but... I expect it's not great.
So if you have a uterus, unfortunately that means you have to be extra vigilant about your symptoms and also extra assertive with your providers. When something isn't right with your menstrual cycle, YOU know best.
Abnormal bleeding is the top sign of uterine cancer. In some cases, it's a vaginal discharge that is watery, pink, or white instead of red. While spotting between periods is normal, heavier bleeding between periods could be a sign something is up.
Pain when urinating or having difficulty peeing is also a potential sign, as is pain during intercourse. Unexpected weight loss is another.
It's so important to have annual pelvic exams. As a survivor of both sexual trauma and decades of shame conditioning from inhabiting a body with a uterus in a misogynist society, I know it can be hard to get gyno exams. I expect it is even harder for men and nb uterus-havers.
But unfortunately, for many people who get uterine cancer, by the time they learn they have it, it's too late. And I emphatically believe a big reason for that is that we are conditioned to ignore pain and discomfort, we are told our discomfort is normal or exaggerated.
And that, my friends, is bullshit.
So please, if you can't remember the last time you had a pelvic exam, please schedule one today, or soon. Please listen to your body, please do not listen to the voice that tells you it's nothing to worry about.
And if your doctor dismisses your concern, says you don't need an ultrasound or further testing, ask them to give it to you in writing that you asked for further testing and they said you didn't need it.
All weird periods do not mean you have cancer. But some definitely do. Normalize talking to your doctor about weird periods, Normalize pushing back against "it's probably nothing."
Probably should have started this thread with "THREAD". Probably should have numbered my posts. Probably shouldn't have posted it at 9 am. Probably shouldn't have led with "I'm gonna talk about periods now." But I hope you will read anyway.
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