What is Manuvad?
In the present times, the word Manuvad (मनुवाद) is being taken in a negative sense. Brahmanism is also used as a synonym for Manuvad. In reality, people who speak against Manuvad do not know about Manu or Manusmriti.
In the present times, the word Manuvad (मनुवाद) is being taken in a negative sense. Brahmanism is also used as a synonym for Manuvad. In reality, people who speak against Manuvad do not know about Manu or Manusmriti.
or they shout Manuvad for their vested interests. In fact, the caste system for which Manusmriti and Maharishi Manu are blamed, does not even mention the word caste.
When we hear the word Manuvad again and again, the question also arises in our mind that what is this Manuvad?
Read this series of thread on Maharishi Manu And Manusmriti: https://twitter.com/vedicvishal/status/1170585130953404416?s=19
Read this series of thread on Maharishi Manu And Manusmriti: https://twitter.com/vedicvishal/status/1170585130953404416?s=19
Maharishi Manu is considered as the first spokesman of the human constitution (मानव धर्मशास्त्र) and the Aadi ruler. Because of being a child of Manu, a human being is called a मनुष्य. That is, मनुष्य is the child of मनु.
Of all the creatures of the universe, human is the only one who has the power of thought (विचार शक्ति). In Manusmriti, the arrangements given for the संचालन of society can only be called Manuvad in positive terms.
Manusmriti is the collection of all the arrangements that have been given for the running of the society. That is, Manusmriti is the first constitution (मानव धर्मशास्त्र) of human society, the scripture of the judicial system. It is compatible with the Vedas.
The law and order of the Vedas has also been called the duty system (कर्तव्य व्यवस्था). Based on that, Manu created Manusmriti in simple language. धर्मशास्त्र is the name of the constitution or law in Vedic philosophy.
Manusmriti is neither anti-Dalit nor promotes Brahmanism. Rather it only talks about humanity, and human duties. Manu does not consider anyone a Dalit. Dalit-related systems are the product of the British and leftists.
The word Dalit does not exist in ancient literature. There are four categories of human beings rather than four castes, which is completely based on their merit. First Brahmin, second Kshatriya, third Vaishya and fourth Shudra.
Even in the present context, if we look at governance, people are divided into four categories - first, second, third and fourth - to conduct administration.
According to the arrangement of Maharishi Manu, we can put the first class as Brahman, the second Kshatriya, the third Vaishya and the fourth as Shudra.
Maharishi Manu says in Manusmriti 10/65 that— a Brahman becomes a Shudra and vice versa on the basis of one’s merits, actions and abilities. Similarly such an interchange also takes place between Kshatriya and Vaishya.
According to the law of Manu, if the child of a Brahmin is unfit, then according to his ability, he becomes a class four or Shudra. Similarly, children of a fourth class or a Shudra can become a first class or a Brahmin on the basis of merit.
There are many examples in our ancient society when a person became a Brahman from a Shudra. Maryada Purushottam was the child of Ram's guru Vasishta Mahashudra Chandal, but on the strength of his ability he becm a sage.
Read this thread on change of Varna https://twitter.com/vedicvishal/status/1168870541815533568?s=19
Read this thread on change of Varna https://twitter.com/vedicvishal/status/1168870541815533568?s=19
Vishwamitra became Brahmarshi from Kshatriya by his ability. There are many more such examples before us in Indian history, which automatically contradict the allegations that Manu was anti-Dalit.
In short, "those who believe in humanism are automatically Manuvadi."
Read this thread on Position of Shudras in Sanatan Dharma : https://twitter.com/vedicvishal/status/1280391272587378689?s=19
Read this thread on Position of Shudras in Sanatan Dharma : https://twitter.com/vedicvishal/status/1280391272587378689?s=19