That's the plan anyway, unless the red states are stronger than they appear. I've heard a lot of moving to CO/ID/MT talk from urbanites over the last 10 years. CO is full, they only like ID/MT for vacation. The infrastructure isn't there for them to move because only 3%ers have-
the money and work freedom to have a comfortable life. Anyone under 30 has no money and their parents wont likely give them the cash to abscond. I could see it more as the boomers die and millenials get a big payday
The likely demo will be aging zillenials who are in 5+ year relationships with no/1.1 kids that they have late. Moving/moving into enemy territory is risky. Solo nomads not likely to be the first wave.
Recently, at a weekend retreat ~50mi outside urban center, my NYC migrant friends expressed shock seeing confed flags. They really don't grasp the gulf of psycho-social life that exists in America >50mi outside urban centers. They need the political/social nucleus theyre used to
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