In many ways I can see why we've had children we shouldn't had. The love of a child is the only kind of tenderness and love we've ever experienced. Let me explain.

Warning: this is going to be long
Many of us live in toxic and violent spaces that are devoid of love. In those spaces people see compassion and kindness as weak. For example on social media. If a man shows that he honors, provides, loves, cares and protects a woman he's seen by dysfunctional people as a simp.
If a woman asks for love, a provider, protector, compassion, respect, empathy or kindness she's a gold digger or is asking for too much.

What easier place there is to get a basic and absolutely needed emotional need and physical connection than from a child you've created.
Once that child is no longer emotionally, mentally or physically dependent on their parents, the emotionally loved deprived person's solution is simple. Why not create and have another child?
Many of us are really love starved individuals who've never experienced emotional or physical intimacy without someone providing brutality disguised as love. Children we had no business having are unfairly now the carriers of our love deprived burdens.
Imagine being no longer co-dependent on individuals who benefit from loveless, hard and violent environments who also demand, of course disproportionately, the love starved individual's bodies resources and labor in return.
So why wouldn't the love and intimacy deprived not have more children?

Told you it was long. What do you think? Feel free to elaborate. No one is wrong. We all see things through the lens of our own perspective.
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