Several papers consider state-society relations, using different entry points.
First, @terrefebiruk considers the Abiy admin's approach to urban megaprojects in #Ethiopia
Biruk wrote a nice thread laying out his key points.
Next, @GeorgeNugybaby & @IsabS25 examine 'one-stop border posts' on the #Kenya/ #Uganda and Uganda/ #Rwanda frontiers to unpack cross-country differences in bureaucratic culture, as well as the navigation of less securitised cargo/person transit points.
In their article, @edrwigi, E. Manga & G. Michuki examine the mixed results of participatory budgeting approaches under devolution in #Kenya, with a case from Makueni county.
In his paper on the #Ethiopia- #Somaliland frontier, @dalmar_thompson analyses British, Ethiopian and Somali actors as ethnic groups vying for economic leverage in the Jijiga region in the late 19th & early 20th century.
Islamism and politics intersect in three papers. First, @emorier examines the emergence, early experience, and shift to violence by the Al-Shabaab sect in #Mozambique.
In their paper, Michael Skjelderup, Mukhtar Ainashe & Ahmed Mohamed Abdulle “Qare” explore the Islamic Courts Union's navigation of clan dynamics during its expansion into Lower Jubba in #Somalia during 2006.
In his article, Jannis Saalfeld explores the interlinkages between 'sub-national' agendas and political Islam in coastal #Kenya and #Zanzibar.
Marginality is unpacked in two cases from the Horn of Africa. First, Elia Vitturini connects the literatures on labour history and hereditary occupational groups, to examine the experience of the Gaboye in #Somaliland.
In their article, Marina de Regt and @Felegeb draw on ethnographic interviews to examine the agency of adolescent girls who move from rural to urban areas in #Ethiopia, at different stages of their decision-making process.
Finally, two papers examine the pursuit of livelihoods, albeit in quite different contexts. First, Lennert Jongh examines the role of street vendors' associations in connecting individual vendors, and facilitating cooperation in #Zambia.
In his paper, Nathaniel Chimhete explores the counter-intuitive pursuit of prosperity in the small-scale gold mining sector from the late 1970s to early 1990s, while other parts of #Tanzania's economy were under pressure.
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