The Man Who Inspired Arnold & A Testament To Our Genetic Potential..

His training philosophy of maximising size & strength to it's fullest is timeless and his basic principles can be implemented by anyone..

Being influenced by his grandfather working in coal mines and Reg's own time in the army serving as a physical instructor..

He learnt that strength was not just about a rugged aesthetic but more importantly a person's own capability, the true purpose behind training..
Reg emphasised that with strength comes confidence building. Training should provide you with a more empowered mindset..

Self awareness is also key..

Knowing your limits and exceeding them at a measured pace and the discipline used to uphold your own standard..

Heavy weight training results in more muscle fibers being recruited which in turn means more muscle growth..

Volume is increased incrementally, journaling your lifts to assess your progress over time rather than going to failure and overworking the body..

Hard work on the basic movements is what it came down to, producing the maximum output on them for the most benefit which engages the whole body for more absolute strength..

Pressing, Deadlifts, Rows, Chin-Ups, Squats, Dips, along with Cleans & High Pulls..

There are many routines Reg went through, trial and error to find what worked best for him as you should do the same..

But what remains the same is low reps + heavy weight on the compounds anywhere between 3-5 sets by 1-5 reps and gym sessions for 3-5 days of the week.

Probably the most well known training method of Reg Park, is 5 sets of 5 reps on the basic compounds..

Using the first 2-3 sets as a progressive warm-up leading to the remaining heavy sets..

The working sets then become the most intense, minimalistic yet effective..

Whilst compound lifts provide the most benefit and how the Back, Shoulders, Legs, Traps ect are the focus of strength output.

High rep isolation helps develop mind to muscle connection and prevent unnecessary joint injury, as well as bringing up any weak areas..
Whilst these are basic principles, they are the FUNDAMENTALS of all strength training and are often overlooked.

We can expand on many other past strength pioneers with the knowledge we have today.

It is always about learning different approaches and using the best from them.
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