In the past few months, I learnt a bit about negotiating, so I thought of sharing it with you.

First of all, never reveal your current salary. So many recruiters asked me the current salary, but I never specified it. It is even illegal in some countries/states.

Also, most of the times, the first offer is not the final/best offer. Companies leave a little bit of room in case the candidate negotiate.

Never accept the first offer blindly. Negotiate. Use websites like Glassdoor to make a rough idea of what is an acceptable salary.
Do not blindly ask for more money, just because "you deserve it". Come with arguments and reasons why you deserver that amount of money.

Emphasise your qualities and what you could bring to the company. They're more likely to accept your offer.
That is all. Do not be afraid to negotiate. If you think you deserve more money, state that and come with arguments about why that is true.

Let me know what you think and reply with other tips, if you have. :-)
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