CW in next tweets for talk of abuse and harm doing irt people calling certain asks by community demanding accountability from a harm doer “carceral”
Carceral: Preventing someone who has caused harm, for the rest of their lives, from ever being able to provide basic necessities for themselves

Not carceral: Kicking harm doers out of scenes and ending their artistic/creative career that was frontfacing and enabled their abuse
Like if you have to switch from being a cool lead singer in a band to being a plumber bc you were deemed unsafe or abusive...that’s...that’s consequences. That’s you being removed from a position you exploited and used in a harmful way. And that’s your own fault.
You can even still make music and shit! You just won’t be accepted into communities and spaces where you could hurt people again. That isn’t prison. That’s not rendering you homeless. That’s preventing future harm.
Maybe, depending on the situation and community decisions, you will be allowed back into artistic scenes and communities after a certain period of time and within certain parameters! Who knows! But I do know the harm doer and their enables/supporters don’t get to decide that!
I just keep seeing people manipulate transformative justice to mean “You can’t ever kick people out of communities, kick them out of certain work forces or front-facing positions, dissolve their band/label/group/business/art collective etc bc that’s carceral” and that’s bullshit
Not all consequences or deplatforming is carceral. You might not even agree with a choice made by community, doesn’t make it automatically carceral! And tho it all ofc depends on the situation, harm done, people involved etc, often ppl aren’t even demanding it be for forever...
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